From Extremism to Resilience: The Story of El Dheer’s Fight for True Islam.

El Dheer, a historical town known for its strong adherence to true Islamic values, fell under the control of extremist group Al Shabaab over a decade ago. The town’s devotion to Islam was seen as a threat to Al Shabaab’s agenda, leading to a series of brutal attacks on religious institutions. All but one mosque was closed down and many were destroyed, leaving the community’s spiritual practices in the hands of Al Shabaab’s distorted version of Islam.

In addition to the destruction of mosques and Quran schools, Al Shabaab further attempted to erase the values of the El Dheer community by destroying the graves of the children of respected Sheikh, Daud Ulusow. The community was left with no choice but to flee the town to save their faith.

Thankfully, Al Shabaab has now been driven out of the area, allowing the peace-loving inhabitants of El Dheer to return to their old ways of practicing proper Islam. However, the scars of the past remain, and the community will need support as they work to rebuild and heal.

The story of El-Dheer serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of extremism and the importance of promoting the true values of Islam. It highlights the resilience and strength of communities who refuse to give up their faith and values in the face of adversity.

It is vital that the international community continues to support the people of El Dheer, and others like them, as they work to recover from the trauma of extremism and rebuild their lives. By working

together to promote peace and understanding, we can create a better future for all.

Source: Somalia National news Agency

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