Free State Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs hosts the ENVIRO Quiz program, 21 to 22 Oct


DESTEA to host ENVIRO quiz 2022
The Free State Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (DESTEA) in partnership with SASOL/Forever Resorts, Sun Windmill, and ABSA will on 21 and 22 October 2022 host the Environmental Quiz program at Gariep Dam.
This year’s program marks its 29th year of existence and will be celebrated under the theme: “Paper waste…does it really matter?
The aim behind the Enviro-Quiz program is to work towards a clean, green, healthy, and more sustainable environment; to teach grade 6 learners to think critically about their environment, and encourage participation to solve some of the environmental problems in their respective schools’ environment as well as assist teachers with environmental activities in the grade 6 syllabus.
The said program has become popular among schools in the Free State and is comprised of a competition that has an environmental impact on developing skills, confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving activities.
On annual basis, about 4600 learners participated and schools compete against each other; the entries received went through a rigorous adjudication process and were judged by an appointed team. Potential winners from all five districts will be announced at the Gala dinner scheduled to be on Saturday evening.

Source: Government of South Africa


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