Franco-Seychellois singer Vanessa Anacoura releases 2 singles


to sing about love and I have three favorite singers – Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys and Ben l’Oncle Soul. My music doesn’t sound like theirs as I don’t want it to, but I’m definitely inspired by them,” she added.

Anacoura said that she would love to live full-time from her music and her goal is to go to Olympia where the greatest artists have performed as this will be an honour and an accomplishment to sing on such a stage.

Although she lives in Paris, Anacoura keeps up to date with her Seychellois Creole culture.

“I actually speak Creole with a very nice French accent, and with my friends, even if they don’t speak or understand Creole, it happens sometimes that I say some words or sentences. During the family reunion, you can be sure that we will put on some Sega and dance,” she told SNA.

Anacoura said that it is not easy to make it in music in France but has received good feedback so far. (Vanessa Anacoura) Photo License: All Rights Reserved

Anacoura said that although she is in France “I grew up with Sega songs like the ones of Jean-Marc Volcy, and I don’t know how many times I have heard the song ‘La sezon Kreol’ from Joe Samy.”

“I have come to Seychelles over 10 times already. It’s been a while since my last visit, and each time I do, I always feel very good. I enjoy time with my family, the beaches and everything that Seychelles has to offer. I also listen mainly to Sega, which I enjoy dancing to. I also like the more recent music as well, like Elijah or Sandra for example,” said Anacoura.

She also enjoys Creole dishes like lentils with sausages, fried fish, and banana cake.

“Furthermore, I went to UNESCO in Paris last year, to celebrate the inclusion of Moutya in the UNESCO World Heritage list. It was a really good moment. I’m very proud to be Seychellois,” said Anacoura.

Source: Seychelles News Agency