France withdraws its forces from Niger in ‘humiliating’ conditions (Marine Le Pen)

Mistakes in France’s foreign policy in Africa have led to a stalemate, forcing Paris to recall its diplomats and withdraw its troops from Niger under humiliating conditions. This is what the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, told France Inter.

‘It’s not a decision,’ she said on the radio. It’s unfortunate, because in reality we are being ejected from Africa. But we have no other choice. We are making our ambassador, our soldiers leave in humiliating conditions. And all of this is an absolutely considerable failure of French diplomacy. »

According to her, Emmanuel Macron thought that the junta was more fragile and that the West African Economic Community (ECOWAS) would intervene to restore constitutional order, but nothing of the sort happened.

‘He made an error of analysis and cannot do anything other than announce his departure,’ explained Ms. Le Pen.

At the beginning of August, the military who came to power denounced the military agreements with Paris on the stationing of the French ar
my and demanded the withdrawal of the contingent. France did not recognize these demands given that the agreements on the deployment of soldiers had been signed with the former authorities of Niger, which it considers to be the only legitimate ones.

On September 24, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the withdrawal of French troops from Niger by the end of the year. He added that Paris was recalling its ambassador from the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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