Food insecurity response plan- 19th August 2022

Cluster Overview

According to the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) IPC Malawi Acute Food Insecurity analysis report of July, 2022, it is projected that 3.82 million people in Malawi are expected to be in IPC phase 3 (or worse) between November 2022 and March, 2023. The findings include vulnerable populations in both rural areas and urban areas of the 27 districts, excerpt Likoma and the 4 cities namely Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Zomba. The vulnerable population will need food assistance during this period to meet their missing food entitlements. The worst affected districts are in the southern region. The Food Security Cluster therefore aims to address these food needs of the affected population.

Strategic Objectives

The Food Security Cluster lean season response for 2022-2023 has two strategic objectives:

Strategic Objective 1: To provide lifesaving food assistance to women, girls, men and boys of different age groups affected by food insecurity during the lean season period from November 2022 to March 2023. This would target those in IPC Phase 3 or worse.

Strategic Objective 2: To protect livelihoods assets of the food insecurity affected women, girls, men and boys of different ages.

Cluster Expected Results

i. Stabilized or improved food consumption over assistance period for targeted households

ii. Timely food assistance provided equitably to affected women, men, girls and boys in right quantities and quality in shock affected districts.

iii. Reduction in negative coping strategies by targeted beneficiaries

Response Design and Priorities

The response will be led and coordinated by the government through the Department of Disaster Management Affairs with support from development partners and other humanitarian actors. Response period is 3 to 5 months from November 2021 to March 2023 with different response periods for different districts depending on severity of food insecurity.

Source: World Food Programme

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