FM reiterates to Guinean counterpart Tunisia’s commitment to protect all foreigners residing in Tunisiac

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar reiterated Tunisia’s commitment to protect all foreigners residing in Tunisia and to deal with the irregular migrants issue within the full respect of the country’s laws and relevant international and African treaties.

In a phone call with his Guinean counterpart Morissanda Kouyaté on Wednesday, the FM expressed his rejection of any form of discrimination against undocumented migrants.

During the conversation, the Guinean Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, African Integration and Guineans Abroad expressed His regret over the recent developments following the misinterpreted measures decided by the Tunisian authorities in regard to irregular migration.

The Guinean Minister also said his country’s authorities have called on its citizens residing in Tunisia to stay calm and not to be drawn into one-upmanship and malicious interpretations.

In this sense, Nabil Ammar stressed Tunisia’s readiness to deal with “some cases” within the framework of bilateral cooperation by making their return to their native countries easier.”

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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