First session of the Burkina Faso – Islamic Republic of Iran Joint Cooperation Commission: experts mark the ground in Ouagadougou

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, chaired this Monday, September 2, 2023 in Ouagadougou, the opening ceremony of the experts’ work? falling within the framework of the first joint cooperation commission between Burkina Faso and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Burkina Faso at this first cooperation session, submits to the Iranian party for examination, fourteen (14) draft Agreements in areas such as security and defense, agriculture, civil protection, trade promotion, environment, health, economy, technical and professional training, mines, culture etc.

‘The moments of work and exchanges that we will have respond to a shared concern to agree on numerous important documents, which will constitute, if signed, a legal framework more favorable to bilateral exchanges,’ indicated Mr. Issa BORO, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad.

For his part, the Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs o
f the Ministry of Labor of the Islamic Republic of Iran welcomed this working framework and reassured his country’s commitment to working to boost this cooperation. Mr. Alireza ASGARIAN also returned to the areas of cooperation, notably ‘education, training of trainers, the awarding of scholarships, petrochemicals and pharmacy. On this last point, Iran can cover a large part of the needs in Burkina Faso for medicines, according to the Iranian Deputy Minister.

This meeting of experts is being held as a prelude to the official opening on October 5 of the high-level meeting between the heads of diplomacy of the two countries, their Excellencies Olivia ROUAMBA and Sayed Solat MORTAZAVI.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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