First Session of Komondjari’s Communal Consultation Framework Focuses on Development Amid Insecurity

FADA N’GOURMA — The Communal Consultation Framework (CCC) of Gayéri held its inaugural session on Thursday, January 11, 2024, in Fada N’Gourma, addressing key issues related to municipal development and revenue collection amidst prevailing insecurity.

According to Burkina Information Agency, President of the Special Delegation (PDS) of Gayéri and head of the CCC, the session’s primary goal was to evaluate the annual investment plan and the involvement of economic actors in revenue generation for the municipal budget. The commune of Gayéri, as Gougou highlighted, faces significant challenges in revenue mobilization due to insecurity, which has caused widespread displacement of economic actors and the closure of numerous businesses.

The CCC meeting aimed to serve as a platform for dialogue, communication, and coordination of development activities at the municipal level. Gougou emphasized the need for economic operators to understand the municipality’s challenges and to contribute actively to fostering economic resilience, which is vital for socio-economic development.

Despite the challenging security situation, Gougou reported that the special delegation of the commune of Gayéri succeeded in constructing 25 shops, classrooms, a teachers’ room, and providing schools with necessary food and educational materials. Additionally, the construction of a fence around the CMA of Gayéri was initiated, and three humanitarian convoys were organized to assist the people of Gayéri.

The session included two presentations focusing on the revenue and investment situation of the municipality in the context of insecurity, and on accountability, specifically the role and responsibility of local actors in local development. These presentations provided participants with a deeper understanding of the functioning of town halls, the complexities of revenue collection, and the importance of tax compliance.

The Communal Consultation Framework of Gayéri, a crucial step towards addressing the municipality’s developmental challenges, was made possible through the financial support of the NGO TIN-TUA.

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