Faso Attiéké Launches Digital Platform to Enhance Marketing of Cassava Products in Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou – Faso Attiéké, a company specializing in the production and marketing of attiéké, a popular cassava-based food product, officially launched its digital platform, including a website and an online service, Faso Attiéké One line, on Friday. This initiative is aimed at boosting the marketing and accessibility of its products.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the promoter of Faso Attiéké, the newly launched website serves not only as a virtual showcase but also as an interactive platform designed to enhance the customer experience and strengthen client relations. She expressed her vision for the technology to better serve customers, effectively meet their needs, and offer an exceptional experience.

Bassono/Kaboré spoke about the platform’s launch in Ouagadougou, emphasizing that it would enable customers to explore the range of Faso Attiéké products, understand their production methods, and conveniently place orders online for delivery.

She extended gratitude to the partners who supported the venture and encouraged consumers to engage with the new digital platform.

Philippe Ki, the coordinator of Afrique Verte and the event’s sponsor, commended Faso Attiéké for its brilliant adaptation to the modern market’s evolving demands by incorporating new technologies and communication tools. He highlighted the company’s success in embracing change while maintaining the authenticity of its products and customer loyalty.

Karim Ouattara, the general director of Maison de l’entreprise and the ceremony’s patron, stated that Faso Attiéké deserves support from his institution to establish an effective and efficient distribution network. He expressed satisfaction with the platform, viewing it as a portal to operational efficiency, transparency, and improved stakeholder interaction.

“This significant advancement, facilitated by digitalization, strengthens Faso Attiéké’s marketing network at national, regional, and international levels,” Ouattara concluded.

Founded in 2010, Faso Attiéké employs 73 people, including 63 women, predominantly young, and anticipates a production of 7,000 tonnes of cassava for the 2022-2023 campaign. The company has been recognized with several awards, including the first Pierre Castel prize, the 2nd ABNORM prize, the GANDAOGO d’or prize, the best management prize at the banking and SME fair, the La Maison de l’Entreprise prize, and the PADEV 2022 in Kigali.

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