Trans Nzoia: Farmers in Homa Bay County have been urged to practice modern farming methods to boost production. Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency Chairman Odoyo Owidi emphasized the importance of using certified seeds and fertilizers during the current planting season to promote food security. He pointed out the significant potential Homa Bay County holds for crop production both for subsistence and marketing purposes. However, he cautioned that failing to utilize certified seeds and fertilizers may lead to poor harvests.
According to Kenya News Agency, Odoyo Owidi addressed the farmers during a sensitization meeting in Rangwe Sub-County, which also saw participation from the business community. Hesborn Omollo, a board member of the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency, echoed Owidi’s sentiments, underscoring that sound agricultural practices are crucial for achieving high crop yields. Omollo highlighted the government’s robust program of providing fertilizers to farmers at subsidized rates, encour
aging farmers to register and benefit from this initiative.
Omollo further elaborated on the economic significance of farming, portraying it as a transformative activity that can enhance the livelihoods of residents. He urged the youth to embrace farming, noting its potential to create millionaires in the country. Omollo also linked proper farming practices to a reduction in the cost of living, citing the decrease in maize flour prices as an example. Both leaders encouraged the formation of cooperative societies among residents to negotiate better prices for their produce.