Family’s Role Crucial in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Therapy Success.


LUANDA: Training and guiding parents on how to replicate hospital procedures at home is emerging as a key factor in the success of the neurodevelopmental disorders screening campaign currently underway at Bengo General Hospital. The initiative aims to empower parents with the necessary skills to manage their children’s conditions effectively, according to Geovani Malega, the director-general of the hospital.

According to Angola Press News Agency, training sessions are being planned for parents to help them manage their children’s needs better and achieve peace of mind. Malega highlights the challenges faced by parents in managing children who might not speak, walk, or interact, often leading to children being kept at home while parents work. The training aims to foster autonomy in children and alleviate the difficulties experienced by parents dealing with neurodevelopmental disorders in their children.

Line Duarte, a neurodevelopment expert with a master’s degree in ABA therapy, emphasized the shared respon
sibility of clinical and educational institutions in supporting these children. The objective is to train school professionals to accept children with neurodevelopmental disorders, thereby extending the hospital’s treatment into educational settings and homes for more effective results. Duarte pointed out that interventions are less effective if not supported by parents and teachers, potentially leading to aggressive behaviors in children.

The campaign aims to assist approximately 1,300 families over three days, with provisions to accommodate more if needed. Duarte noted the involvement of a multidisciplinary team, initially comprising ten ABA technicians with plans to increase, alongside around 80 professionals from the hospital, ensuring comprehensive support.

Duarte further stressed the importance of the screening for both children new to therapy and those whose parents believe they have not yet received adequate responses. She acknowledged the high costs of neurodevelopmental treatment in Angola, a chal
lenge shared globally due to the scarcity of specialists in both private and public sectors.

ABA therapy, or Applied Behavior Analysis, is a therapeutic approach based on scientific principles aimed at modifying behavior, teaching skills, and promoting autonomy in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.