A young couple from Kagumori Village in Manyatta Constituency, Embu County, who are parents to quadruplets born nearly two years ago, were given presents by the county government. Embu County officers handing over food items to the family of Ms. Ann Mugai from Kagumori Village, Manyatta Constituency, Embu County who gave birth to quadruplets. Photo by Samuel Waititu County staff led by Chief Officer of Gender and Social Services Bancy Wawira and her Medical Services counterpart Jane Karimi gifted the family of Ann Mugai with cash, assorted foodstuffs, and baby items. Mugai, a mother of five, delivered the babies, three girls and a boy, in 2021 at Embu Level Five Hospital following her second pregnancy. She revealed that in her first pregnancy, she delivered twins, but one passed away after developing complications, while the surviving sibling is in grade two. Amid laughter, Mugai said it was a phenomenon that was also being replicated in her animals, goats and cows, which also give birth to twins, saying she counts it a blessing. She said the journey of raising the kids has not been easy due to economic hardships, but she has been able to get along through support from family, friends, and neighbours. Mugai said two of the babies are walking, but two aren’t and have to be taken for physical therapy every two weeks at Embu Level Five Hospital to improve mobility. The county government pledged to continue supporting the family in any way possible to ease the burden of raising the children for the young family. Karimi also promised to follow up with the therapy of the two babies struggling with movement to enable them to acquire mobility.
Source: Kenya News Agency