Expired Consumer Goods Seized in Fada N’Gourma by Regional Directorate

FADA N’GOURMA – The Eastern Regional Directorate of Industrial Development and Small and Medium Enterprises conducted a significant seizure of expired consumer goods on Friday, in an effort to combat the sale of unsafe products in the market.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the price inspector of the regional directorate, the operation took place in a shop located in sector 1 of Fada N’Gourma. The expired items confiscated included biscuits, Blue Band butter, sugary drinks, and Lipton tea, all of which were deemed unfit for consumption.

Rouamba urged the public to remain cautious and to meticulously check the production and expiration dates on manufactured goods before purchasing and consuming them. He also encouraged citizens to report any similar violations to the regional directorate or local law enforcement agencies, such as the police or gendarmerie.

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