Expand Employment of PWDs to Reduce Dependency, Government Told.


Machakos: The Machakos Disability Network has urged both national and county governments to enhance employment opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWDs) as a means of empowering them and reducing their dependency. This call to action was made by Francis Muema, Chairman of the Machakos Disability Network, during a celebration to mark the International Day for Persons with Disabilities at the Muslim Township Primary in Machakos town. The event attracted over 600 PWDs who gathered to commemorate the day.

According to Kenya News Agency, Muema highlighted the importance of reflecting on the journey of disability and identifying areas that need more action and inclusion, resonating with this year’s theme, “amplifying the leadership of disabled people for an inclusive and sustainable future.” He emphasized that the Persons with Disabilities Act of 2003 mandates employers to reserve five percent of jobs for PWDs, which is crucial for reducing poverty and marginalization and for fostering a sustainable and p
roductive employment environment.

Muema revealed that discussions with various organizations and meetings with PWDs in the county have unearthed significant gaps in the implementation of this law. Another critical area identified is education inclusivity, with a call for PWDs to be given equal opportunities to study alongside non-disabled peers to promote integration, coexistence, and mutual learning.

The National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) has already taken steps towards inclusion by training teachers from 38 schools in Machakos on effectively educating and integrating children with disabilities into their programs. Muema also appealed to both county and national governments to ensure greater inclusion of PWDs in development projects.

Furthermore, Muema urged the government to consider waiving the assessment fee for PWDs and to ensure affordable or free access to healthcare services such as therapies, highlighting the financial struggles that many PWDs face. Mohammed Abdalla, a 39-year-old
PWD who has been in a wheelchair all his life, underscored the impact of inclusive education on his confidence and public speaking skills. He advocated for education stakeholders to provide free education and healthcare for PWDs to help them overcome social barriers.