Ethiopia’s Peace Minister Calls for National Commitment to Durable Peace

ADDIS ABABA — In a nationwide call to action, Ethiopia’s Minister of Peace, Binalf Andualem, emphasized the critical need for sustained peace efforts across the country. This appeal came during a national road race event in the capital, themed ‘All for Peace, Peace for All,’ aimed at fostering awareness and encouraging active participation in peace-building initiatives.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, which saw participation from millions, including prominent athletes, diplomats, and government officials, serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility Ethiopians have towards maintaining peace. The Minister highlighted the ongoing reforms and development programs that are yielding positive results and stressed that peace is essential for these efforts to continue benefiting all citizens. “Ethiopia is currently undergoing major reforms and the East African nation is registering impressive results in various development sectors,” he stated, underscoring the interconnectedness of peace and development.

The Minister also reflected on the importance of the community’s engagement in these processes, a sentiment echoed by Addis Ababa Mayor Adanech Abiebie. The Mayor celebrated the city’s achievements in fostering peace through community involvement and called on all residents to enhance their efforts in maintaining tranquility and security.

The road race in Addis Ababa was mirrored by similar events in other major towns, symbolizing a unified national commitment to peace, which according to the Minister, is more crucial now than ever.

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