Ethiopia’s National Council Advances Private Sector Involvement in Digital Economy

Addis Ababa – The National Digital Transformation Council in Ethiopia has approved new measures to enhance the involvement of the private sector in building the nation’s digital economy. This development was shared by Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh during the council’s second regular session.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the council, which was established by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to oversee the implementation and effectiveness of digital and technological policies, has resolved to reevaluate current laws and strategies. This reassessment, to be conducted by experts, aims to determine how conducive existing regulations are to private sector participation and to suggest necessary legal updates. Moreover, the council has made a decision to integrate a private sector representative into its membership, underscoring a move towards a more inclusive approach in Ethiopia’s digital transformation efforts.

These steps are part of broader national efforts to position Ethiopia as a leader in digital technology in Africa, with the government recognizing the critical role of the private sector in achieving this goal.

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