Ethiopia’s Membership in BRICS Seen as a Catalyst for Pan-African Aspirations

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s recent induction into the BRICS bloc is poised to enhance its ties with member states and provide a new avenue for realizing Pan-African goals, according to remarks by Xinhua News Agency’s Addis Ababa Bureau Chief, Liu Fangqiang. This development is seen as a significant step in addressing the myriad challenges facing developing nations and aligning with the African Union’s Agenda 2063 objectives.

According to Ethiopian News Agency,Ethiopia’s integration into the BRICS consortium is expected to solidify its relations with other member countries, including China. This sentiment was echoed by Brazilian President Lula da Silva during the opening session of this year’s AU Summit, where he emphasized Brazil’s intention to deepen engagement with Africa. Liu lauded the BRICS alliance as a testament to the cooperation among countries of the Global South, highlighting its potential in connecting emerging economies and tackling common challenges such as climate change, technological gaps, and security issues.

Furthermore, Liu underscored China’s commitment to supporting Africa’s development endeavors, as evidenced by Chinese President Xi Jinping’s initiatives aimed at promoting industrialization, agricultural modernization, and talent development across the continent. He argued that the BRICS group could play a crucial role in supporting African nations in overcoming their challenges and achieving the AU’s ambitious goals.

Despite the progress noted in the first decade of implementing Agenda 2063, including the creation of a continental free trade zone and enhanced infrastructure connectivity, Liu pointed out the ongoing need for strengthened peace and security mechanisms, improved governance, and better access to quality education. He called on international financial institutions to provide long-term financing options to support Africa’s development and highlighted the importance of education and vocational training in ensuring sustainable growth and security on the continent.

Liu concluded by echoing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s assertion that Africa’s development should be a matter of global concern and called for increased support from international partners to aid Africa in navigating towards a prosperous future.

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