Ethiopian Diaspora Actively Participates in National Development Initiatives

HARAR, ETHIOPIA — Members of the Ethiopian diaspora recently praised the Ethiopian government’s efforts to include them in the national agenda during their participation in the 26th Harar International Day. This engagement underscores the growing relationship between the diaspora and their homeland, particularly in development projects and environmental initiatives.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, diaspora members from Europe, Australia, the USA, Canada, and several Asian countries have actively participated in various national affairs, including the green legacy initiative by planting tree seedlings in Harar. This initiative, championed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, aims to bolster the country’s environmental sustainability and combat the effects of climate change.

Diaspora participants like Abubeker Ali from Germany and Bekri Ahmed from Canada expressed their satisfaction with being able to contribute positively to their country’s future. Meanwhile, Abdulhakim Ramadan from Minnesota highlighted the critical role of the green legacy campaign in ensuring Ethiopia’s environmental resilience, emphasizing the need for strong collaboration among all Ethiopians to achieve these goals.

The government’s policies have been instrumental in encouraging the diaspora’s involvement in Ethiopia’s development, fostering significant contributions in both financial and voluntary capacities. Over the past six years, the diaspora has contributed more than 3.5 billion Birr in cash and kind to support various development projects, reflecting their increasing engagement in Ethiopia’s multifaceted development efforts following recent reforms.

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