Ethiopian Artist Urges Revival of Adwa’s Spirit to Propel Nation’s Future

ADDIS ABABA — Jamaican-born Ethiopian curator and Pan-African artist, Desta Meghoo, has called on Ethiopians to draw inspiration from the spirit of the Adwa victory to overcome contemporary challenges and advance the country’s progress. Speaking in her role as curator of the Pan-African Wing at Addis Ababa University, Meghoo highlighted the significance of the newly inaugurated Adwa Victory Memorial Museum, not merely as a historical monument but as a symbol of hope and unity for Ethiopia and the wider African continent.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the essence of Adwa, which should be reignited among Ethiopians, revolves around a profound love for humanity and the country, stressing unity despite differences. She pointed out the importance of the Adwa Memorial in reminding Ethiopians, especially the youth, of their rich heritage and the lessons to be learned from the Battle of Adwa. Meghoo emphasized that the memorial serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made in the past and should motivate current and future generations to maintain unity and love for the nation.

Furthermore, Meghoo underscored the connection between the victory at Adwa and the Pan-African movement, noting Adwa’s critical role in affirming Black self-determination and resistance against oppression. She also highlighted the significant role of women in the battle, led by Empress Taytu, underscoring the importance of recognizing and continuing to value the power of women in society. Meghoo concluded by urging Ethiopians to utilize the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum not just for celebration but as a means for deeper reflection, learning from history to tackle internal challenges and utilize resources for sustainable development.

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