Ethiopia Expands Solar Water Pumps to Boost Agriculture and Rural Energy Access

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The Ethiopian government is enhancing its focus on solar-powered irrigation systems to improve the productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers across the nation. This effort aligns with ongoing initiatives to deploy renewable energy solutions in rural areas, as stated by the Ministry of Water and Energy. During a panel discussion titled ‘The Benefit of Business Case Approach for Sustainable Promotion of Solar Water Pump Irrigation System’, organized by SNV- Sustainable Energy for Smallholder Farmers and the Ethiopian Solar Energy Development Association, key advancements were highlighted.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, CEO of Rural Energy Technology Development at the Ministry of Water and Energy, the government has been actively promoting the use of pollution-free technologies to enhance agricultural outputs and living standards. The initiatives include the construction of over 300 mini-grid system stations throughout Ethiopia, which aim to bolster the supply of electric power and support the broader adoption of solar pumps for irrigation. This strategy is part of a broader vision where 65 percent of the population would access electricity from the main grid and 35 percent from alternative sources, such as solar energy.

Hiwote Teshome, Project Manager at SNV-Sustainable Energy for Smallholder Farmers, emphasized the project’s role in making solar energy technology accessible to farmers. The project seeks to incorporate renewable energy into the dairy and horticulture value chains through scalable technologies for irrigation, cooling, and drying. It also facilitates access to solar energy solutions and technical knowledge for smallholder farmers, agri-businesses, and solar enterprises, enhancing their resilience to climate change.

Furthermore, Tewabech Workie, General Manager of the Ethiopian Solar Energy Development Association, mentioned the significant potential of solar energy to address energy shortages in rural areas. The association is also involved in connecting farmers with financial institutions to help them secure necessary funding for adopting solar technology.

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