Ethiopia Demonstrates Successful, Effective Participation in BRICS: Russian Ambassador

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia has demonstrated successful and effective participation in BRICS activities during the past six months since joining the association, contributing to the construction of a multipolar world, said Russian Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Ethiopia’s full-fledged membership in BRICS during Russia’s chairmanship has significantly boosted cooperation. He highlighted that Russia’s leadership this year has facilitated Ethiopia’s integration and active participation, opening doors for even stronger collaboration.

“Let me remind you that this year our country is chairing the BRICS Association, and it is very symbolic that the same year Ethiopia became a full-fledged member of this association,” Terekhin said. “It is one of our primary tasks as a chairing country to help new member countries harmoniously join different formats of participation in BRICS.”

Russia is taking necessary steps to facilitate the integration of new participants, including Ethiopia, into various formats of the association’s activities while preserving traditions and guided by the experience accumulated by BRICS in previous years. During the six months since joining, Ethiopia has shown effective participation, the ambassador noted.

Strengthening cooperation in politics and security is one of the three pillars of BRICS activities. Emphasis is placed on increasing foreign policy coordination, with member states jointly searching for effective responses to challenges and threats to international and regional security and stability. For instance, on June 10, BRICS ministers of foreign affairs met in Russia and issued a joint statement. Ethiopia’s ruling Prosperity Party also participated in the BRICS Political Parties forum in Russia.

“At the end of the four-day forum, a joint coalition of 24 points was published, reflecting Ethiopia’s position on various contemporary topics,” Terekhin said. “Ethiopia’s participation in such events certainly contributes to the expansion of its political opportunity and growth of authority on the world stage, strengthening multilateral cooperation in key areas of the current international agenda.”

The BRICS association is now past the halfway point of the Russian chairmanship, with the 16th summit in Kazan approaching in October, expected to yield significant outcomes. Terekhin expressed hope that the summit results would provide more detailed goals and objectives for deepening cooperation with Ethiopia and other members of the association.

“The main focus is on finding ways to facilitate mutual trade, economic projects, and investments,” he said. BRICS countries have also prioritized the search for alternative payment systems and transitioning to the use of national currencies in mutual payments. Russia will continue to create mechanisms applicable to the entire BRICS to work bilaterally with all partners to expand such practices.

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