
Ethiopia Commended for Efforts in Regional Renewable Energy Integration at IRENA Assembly

ABU DHABI – The International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) fourteenth session of the Assembly, which took place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, concluded with high praise for Ethiopia’s initiatives in regional renewable energy integration. The event saw significant participation from global leaders, including Ethiopia’s Minister of Water and Energy, Habtamu Etefa.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Raul Alfaro Pelico, the session focused on enhancing bankability in renewable energy projects and accelerating the energy transition in Africa. Topics of particular interest included the development of geothermal energy, green hydrogen, and the necessary policies and skills to progress these initiatives. The Assembly aimed to triple renewable energy use by 2030 as part of a broader strategy to increase public-private partnerships and de-risk investments.

Minister Etefa highlighted Ethiopia’s commitment to achieving 100% renewable energy by 2030, a target set by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to boost the economy and achieve energy independence. “Our strategies for expanding solar, wind, and geothermal projects through public-private partnerships are designed to enhance the confidence of private investors,” Etefa stated during the session. He also emphasized Ethiopia’s role in promoting regional peace and security by sharing energy resources with neighboring countries such as Kenya and Djibouti.

The closing remarks by Pelico reflected on the potential for a significant increase in renewable energy jobs, from the current 13.7 million to an estimated 40 million by 2050, driven by investments in various energy transition technologies. He stressed the importance of implementing just transition policies to prevent disparities in job opportunities across different regions from hindering the energy transition.

The assembly also discussed the African Renewable Power Alliance (APRA) and its efforts to boost renewable energy in Africa through international collaboration.

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