Ethiopia and Tanzania Deliberate on Preventing Human Trafficking Across the Region.


Dar es Salaam: Ethiopia and Tanzania have engaged in discussions aimed at preventing human trafficking across the region. The talks focused on addressing the significant issue of illegal human trafficking, particularly involving Ethiopian citizens traveling to South Africa via Tanzania.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the discussions were led by Ethiopia’s special envoy and plenipotentiary ambassador, Fikadu Byene Ayana. He met with Tanzanian Immigration Commissioner General Dr. Anna P. Makakala and Border Management and Control Commissioner Samwol Mahrane. The talks centered on the challenges faced by Ethiopian citizens, including their treatment in prisons and the repatriation of those who have completed their sentences.

Most of the illegal human trafficking activities targeting South Africa are conducted through Tanzania, as noted by the Ethiopian Embassy in Dar es Salaam. The two countries have exchanged views on strategies to prevent this ongoing issue in the region. Both sides are committed to fin
ding solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of their citizens while combating human trafficking across their borders.