Ethio-China Investment and Development Cooperation Reaches New Milestone

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethio-China investment and development cooperation continues to elevate the bilateral relationship between the two nations, marking significant progress in various sectors. Chinese Professor Wang Xingping emphasized that the long-standing partnership, which dates back to the early 1970s, has strengthened through successive governmental changes, helping both countries reach new heights.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the cooperation between Ethiopia and China was built on the foundations laid by Emperor Haile Selassie I and Chinese leader Mao Zedong. Over the past two decades, particularly through the China-Africa Cooperation Summit, the scope of collaboration has expanded. In October 2024, the diplomatic relationship was upgraded to an All Weather Strategic Cooperation Partnership, further solidified by the signing of 17 memorandums of understanding at the recent China-Africa Cooperation Conference.

Professor Wang also highlighted the contributions of Chinese companies to Ethiopia’s economic growth, particularly in the fields of construction, industry, and technology transfer. He underscored the importance of enhancing cooperation in education, which is crucial for building human capital and furthering the partnership between the two nations.

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