Epidemiological Update – Monkeypox, July 9, 2022

From January 1 to July 7, 2022, 7,892 confirmed cases, including three deaths, were reported in 63 Member States from five World Health Organization (WHO) Regions. The 3 fatal cases were reported from Nigeria (1) and the Central African Republic (2).

As of July 7, 2022, 82% (6,496 cases in 34 countries) of the confirmed cases were registered in the European Region; 15% (1,184 cases in 14 countries) in the Region of the Americas, 2% (173 cases in 8 countries) in the African Region, <1% (24 cases in 4 countries) in the Western Pacific Region, and <1 % (15 cases in 3 countries) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

During the last seven days, a 41.6% increase in the number of cases reported globally was observed. During the same period, in the African Region, the increase was 82%, in the Western Pacific Region 60%, in the Americas Region 57%, and in the European Region 38%.

78% of confirmed cases globally correspond to men between 18 and 44 years of age (7 cases have been registered in those under 18 years of age in countries of the African and European Regions). 98% of cases were identified as men who have sex with men (MSM) and of these 41% are HIV positive. 47% of the cases indicated that they had previous exposure to the disease during social events with sexual contact.

Of the 1,110 cases with available information, 113 are health workers. Whether the infection in these cases was caused by occupational exposure is under investigation.

Source: World Health Organization

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