Employment and Labour urges schools to issue correct UI-19S


Department of Employment and Labour urges school employers to issue correct UI-19S so clients can be assisted
The Department of Employment and Labour in Limpopo began a “taking services to the people” campaign in the Vhembe district on 26 September 2022 and will continue until 30 September 2022, with the goal of providing services to clients who would under normal circumstances take more than two taxis to access services provided by the department.

Since Monday morning, officials have been assisting clients with UIF applications, checking their application status, assessing applications, approving applications, and paying benefits to clients who have their documents in order. Work seekers also registered their CVs on the Employment Service South Africa (ESSA) system in the event that job opportunities arose. Clients who were injured on the job or contracted occupational diseases were also helped.

The Department discovered that UI-19 forms were either incorrectly filled out or were not stamped. Clients also claimed that their employers told them to fill out their own forms, which is against the law. It is critical to emphasize that only the employer is required to complete and sign the UI-19.

This session also revealed that applicants submit incorrect reference numbers, incorrect salary schedules, and unstated termination reasons, and do not attach bank statements or payslips, while some clients are not registered for UIF at all.

Director Beneficiary Services Vuledzani Mulindi said, “officials cannot assist clients with incorrect documentation, and therefore implore all employers to rectify the UI-19s so clients can be assisted speedily.”

He stated that the department has personnel who are readily available to educate employers who may require additional information on how to complete the documents.

The nature of these types of events necessitates a comprehensive service, and we have assisted numerous clients in the past. Mulindi described how heartbreaking it is to see so many people lose their jobs due to insufficient documentation.

Clients have also been instructed on how to use the online system, which is simple and efficient, even faster than queuing.

The drive is underway at Musina Mall until 4 pm today, 29 September 2022.

The activities continue on 30 September 2022 at Makhado Crossing.

Source: Government of South Africa


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