Employment and Labour on track to reduce vacancy rate


Department of Employment and Labour, on track to reduce vacancy rate – Top official tells management meeting.

The Department of Employment and Labour is currently operating within the vacancy target rate of 9 percent as set by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), a meeting was told in Bloemfontein on Thursday (9 June 2022).

Bahumi Matebesi, Deputy Director General: Corporate Services (DDG:CS), was speaking at the Department of Employment and Labour’s Provincial Management Committee meeting, in the Free State.

“In 2022/2023 we set our target at 8 percent – less than the target set by the DPSA. I have faith in the ability of the province to help us reach the target we have set for ourselves”, she said.

“At the same time, we have to be cognisant of the reality that filling of posts is a moving target as people resign, retire or are being transferred as we are busy dealing with the filling of vacant posts. It is indeed a tricky situation”, Matebesi said.

She reminded the meeting that the turnaround time for the filling of posts in the civil service is six months but the department has decided to reduce its turnaround time to four months.

“I urge you to do all you can to help reduce the unemployment ravaging the country”, she said.

Matebesi said the Department was on track to ensure female representation of 50 percent was achieved by 2023 at Senior Management level.

“This also means that we must consciously create a layer at Middle Management level (DD level) to create the pool for upward mobility”, the DDG:CS said.

She said in support of the above, the short listings have to be mindful of the Department’s goals in terms of gender responsiveness.

Her visit formed part of the interactions with provinces to bridge the gap between Head Office and provinces. Among provinces she has visited are Western Cape and Limpopo.

The DDG:CS said the Department was intent on ensuring the DPSA vacancy rate was respected.

The DDG was accompanied by top managers from Corporate Services ranging from the fields of IT to Legal.

Source: Government of South Africa