Employment and Labour on payment of beneficiaries


Employment and Labour committed to secure payment methods to our beneficiaries amid concerns
The Department of Employment and Labour has come out in defense of its recently issued notice by the Compensation Fund for comments regarding its proposed improved way of paying out beneficiaries.
“An impression has been created that the notice which essentially calls for comments is designed to damage workers’ rights and harm medical service providers.
“Nothing could be further from the truth. The Compensation Fund continues to improve the way it pays out claims to beneficiaries in an efficient and effective manner. This means paying the right person the right amount as soon as it practical.
“The account verification system introduced by the Fund recently is designed to do just that. The notice published enables the Fund to obtain views from stakeholders as it continues to improve and strengthen systems of internal control.
“These are the things that the Public Finance Management Act requires from us: that we improve internal controls and ensure the efficient and effective process for claims. We are doing just that and we would welcome views from all stakeholders hence we issued the notice,” said Commissioner Vuyo Mafata who heads the Fund.

Source: Government of South Africa


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