Employment and Labour on employees applying for UIF

Employees urged to normalise applying for UIF on time

According to Employer Service supervisor Johannes Ngoetjana “it is important to apply for UIF right after the employment contract ends”.

Ngoetjana said this during an advocacy session that took place at Senwabarwana, Mosibudi Crèche Schoonveld Village yesterday, 22 November 2022.

The purpose of the event was to meet up the needs of the clients in the villages who are struggling to reach the labour centres

Ngoetjana said that it is advisable for clients to check for their payslips and whether employers are deducting UIF on their behalf.

He informed the gathering that UIF covers the following UIF benefits: maternity, Illness, unemployment, death, adoption, parental and commissioning parental benefits and therefore advised them to apply before the period lapses.

“Employees are advised to use an online system called u-Filling to lodge their claims;” he said.

Documents required to lodge UIF claims includes ID, payslips, and bank statement while other documents such as UI2.8, UI2.11, UI2.10, and UI2.7 will be supplied in the office he added.

Ngoetjana encouraged clients to utilise the services offered on-site by the Department of Employment and Labour at the moment to avoid going to the labour centres.

Source: Government of South Africa

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