Employment and Labour embark on week-long inspections in Cape Metropole region, 14 to 18 Mar


Employment and Labour to embark on week-long inspections in the clothing manufacturing sector – Western Cape
The Department of Employment and Labour; Western Cape Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES), will be embarking on week-long inspections focusing on the Clothing Manufacturing sector in the Cape Metropole region.

The integrated inspections will commence on Monday, 14 March until Friday, 18 March 2022. The inspectorate is mandated with the responsibility to monitor and enforce compliance with labour laws. This process includes the enforcement of compliance with the Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) benefit which was set up to assist employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In pursuit of this objective, the inspectorate will be testing the level of compliance concerning the following pieces of legislation: Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme Regulations (TERS), National Minimum Wage (NMW), Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA), Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act (UICA), and Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA).

The inspections will not only test compliance with the provisions of the law, but will also provide both the employer and employees with the necessary advice, education, and support on their rights and responsibilities under labour legislation, as well as other services provided by the Department.

Through its inspections, the Department intends to ensure that it strengthens working relationships with relevant stakeholders in the workplace, which could aid in promoting good labour relations and increasing compliance.

During the inspections, the Department will provide employers with the results of the inspections in order to assist both employers and employees in identifying areas of non-compliance and how to improve on those to achieve compliance.

Source: Government of South Africa


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