Employment and Labour Agriculture hosts seminar on compliance with labour laws, 24 Jun


Department of Employment and Labour Agriculture sector seminar to discuss compliance with labour laws

The Department of Employment and Labour in Limpopo Province is inviting multi stakeholders in the agriculture sector to a seminar to discuss compliance with labour laws.

The Department’s seminar will focus on payment of the National Minimum Wage (NMW), registration of workers with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), registration of workers with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA), referral of disputes to the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA).

The seminar has been preceded by an agricultural sector inspection blitz whose outcome has indicated a need for an advocacy session with the stakeholders within the sector. The Department is encouraging interested stakeholders to attend the seminar to gain knowledge.

The seminar will be held under the tagline: “Paying the National Minimum Wage is The Right Thing To Do”.

Despite the recent Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for Q1: 2022 which showed that there were some 23 000 job losses in agricultural the sector still remains the backbone of the South African economy.

The seminar is targeting agriculture sector employers, employees, employer organisations and trade unions. Speakers in the seminar will focus on the NMW, the BCEA, outcome of the recent agriculture blitz in the province, COIDA, UIF, and outcome of NMW reported cases in Limpopo.

For more information on the Agriculture seminar please feel free to contact Nompumelelo Skhosana on 012 309-4857 / N(link sends e-mail)[email protected] ; Caroline Kwetepane on 012 309-4531 / [email protected] ; and Morongwa Malemela on 015 290-1609 / [email protected] .

Source: Government of South Africa