Embu: Amidst the upcoming holiday season, parents in Embu preparing for their boys’ circumcision have been advised by Ferdinand Mbabu, Nursing Manager at Tenri Hospital, to opt for safe, medical procedures rather than traditional or unregulated methods. This call is aimed at preventing injuries, infections, or even fatalities associated with unsafe circumcision practices.
According to Kenya News Agency, the risks of unsafe circumcision include contamination leading to infections, excessive bleeding, and exposure to diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, and C, tetanus, and sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea and syphilis. He stressed this concern while overseeing the circumcision of over 300 boys at Tenri Hospital, emphasizing the importance of professional medical oversight.
The event’s coordinator, Jacob Njagi, who is also the Deputy Head Teacher at Tenri Primary School, highlighted that the initiation process at the facility is not limited to circumcision but also includes imparting values and life skills. A team of experts, including psychologists, counsellors, and career guides, was assembled to educate the boys on various life aspects, including sexuality, drug and substance abuse, and career guidance.