Embu Education Director Advocates for Forestry Education from Early Childhood


EMBU – Mr. Kosgei Kipruto, the County Director of Education in Embu, has emphasized the critical need for introducing forestry education at a young age to cultivate a generation conscious of the importance of tree planting. This educational initiative aims to instill a sense of environmental responsibility among children, thereby contributing to long-term climate change mitigation efforts.

According to Kenya News Agency, the significant task of planting and nurturing trees requires the collective effort of the entire society, including young learners. He shared these insights during a tree planting ceremony at St. Luke’s School for the Deaf in Mbeere South, an event that coincided with the International Day of Forests and featured collaborations between the Rainforest Alliance and the Kenya Scouts Association.

The Director outlined the Ministry of Education’s commitment to the national goal of planting 15 billion trees by 2032, with specific targets set for students and education sector professionals. He also called on scientists and entrepreneurs to innovate alternative products to forest resources, further aiding conservation efforts.

Mr. James Muyula from the Rainforest Alliance highlighted their ongoing Sustainable Landscapes and Livelihoods Project in Embu and Kirinyaga Counties, which supported the tree planting initiative at the school. The event saw the planting of 400 seedlings, a gesture aimed at fostering environmental awareness and demonstrating the tangible benefits of tree planting.

The fruit trees planted at St. Luke’s School not only aim to enrich the local ecosystem but also to provide nutritional benefits to the students. School head teacher Keziah Kagendo expressed enthusiasm for the initiative, noting the positive impact on the school’s environment and its contribution to the institution’s food sustainability goals.

Elizabeth Karitu, founder of the Karitu Foundation and a participant in the planting exercise, remarked on the enduring value of such community and collaborative efforts in promoting environmental care and sustainability. She envisioned the growing trees as lasting symbols of community cooperation in building a greener, more inclusive future.