Embu Deaf Community Demands Improved Access to Health Information

EMBU, Kenya – The deaf community in Embu has voiced their grievances concerning the exclusion from essential Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) information, highlighting a significant gap in healthcare accessibility.

According to Kenya News Agency, many deaf individuals are unable to access crucial SRHR information due to the lack of sign language proficiency among healthcare providers. This issue was brought to light during a sensitization workshop held in Embu Town, where DESK officials emphasized the communication challenges faced by the deaf community in healthcare settings.

Jacob Mugambi, a representative of DESK, urged the government and media to dismantle these barriers and ensure that health services and information are fully inclusive. The absence of sign language interpreters in healthcare facilities severely restricts deaf individuals’ understanding of and access to SRHR services, which is crucial for their health and well-being.

Moreover, the workshop highlighted the inadequacy of parental guidance on health matters for deaf youth, attributing this to a general lack of awareness and resources. The need for better educational tools and communication strategies was underscored, with calls for healthcare workers to learn basic sign language and for the media to provide more accessible and relevant content.

Community members also emphasized the inadequacy of sign language interpretation on television, particularly concerning its visibility and effectiveness in conveying SRHR information. The calls for action extended to app developers, who were encouraged to create more inclusive and user-friendly digital resources for SRH education.

The event, centered on leveraging media to enhance SRHR understanding among young deaf individuals, reflects a broader advocacy for inclusivity and equal access to information and healthcare services.

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