Embu County Police Seize Donkey Meat, Arrest Three Suspects

EMBU – In a late-night operation, Embu county police confiscated over 20 slaughtered donkey carcasses from a homestead in Kasafari Sub-location, Runyenjes Constituency. The raid resulted in the arrest of three suspects, with authorities suspecting the meat was destined for markets, including Burma in Nairobi.

According to Kenya New Agency, the operation was triggered by public reports of a group of men herding donkeys to a suspect’s homestead. When officers arrived at the scene around 1.30 am, they found approximately 15 individuals engaged in slaughtering the animals. Three suspects were apprehended during the raid, while others managed to flee.

Recovered from the site were a Toyota Noah vehicle, pangas, butcher knives, and over 30 sacks, all believed to be used for transporting the meat to the market.

In response to this incident, the County Executive for Health Francis Ndwiga announced that a team of public health officials had been dispatched to the scene to evaluate the situation. Ndwiga also issued a warning to the public, advising against purchasing meat from unknown sources or that which has not been inspected by health officials. This caution is part of a broader initiative by the county administration to intensify surveillance against uninspected meat and other potentially contaminated foodstuffs in the market, aiming to reduce the risk of infections.

The suspects are currently detained at the Runyenjes Police station and are awaiting court arraignment. Police efforts to locate and apprehend the remaining individuals involved in the incident are ongoing.

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