Electoral Commission briefs media on quarterly report since Political Party Funding Act, 9 Sept


Electoral Commission publishes its first quarterly report since the implementation of the Political Party Funding Act
The Electoral Commission invites members of the media to a media briefing.
The Commission will release its first quarterly report in line with the provisions of Political Party Funding Act No 6 of 2018 and Regulations.
In terms of the Act, the Electoral Commission is required to publish, on a quarterly basis, all declarations made by political parties.
The Act propels political parties to disclose all donations received above R100 000 to the Electoral Commission.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The briefing will be streamed live on the Commission’s Facebook account.
The Electoral Commission complies with all COVID-19 health and safety protocols and as a result, only a maximum of 15 media people will be allowed at the Nerve Centre.

Source: Government of South Africa


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