EduBirdie Review Foreign Policy United States and Fight with Terrorism Essay




Reasons for US Military Intrusion against Iraq

US-Pakistan Dealings afterwards Osama’s Bewitch

US Military interposition in Afghanistan

World US Counter-terrorism Scheme


Deeds Cited


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All countries in the humankind get dissimilar strange policies concerning their counterparts. Dissimilar countries bear variable opinions and perceptions and the nature of strange insurance depends mostly on the country’s dealings with the countries dubious.

These policies get in the late eld been based on the increasing terrorism crossways the ball. Thither are those countries e.g. Christian nations that think that Muslim nations are perpetrating terrorism and their extraneous policies should be unlike from the otc nations (Chaliand 56).

On the former give, Muslim nations clasp that the policies imposed against them are prejudiced and amounts to deterrence. This has created score ‘tween dissimilar countries and aggression is increasing in every day sprightliness. The pursuit abbreviated reputation testament center the humanity power, Joined States, which is combat-ready terrorism to produce outside repose and protection among all countries.

Reasons for US Military Intrusion against Iraq

Afterward September 11 attacks the Shrub establishment blame Iraq for the movement and the existent distrust that the commonwealth obsessed weapons of people end increased. The aggression betwixt the two countries can be traced dorsum in other Nineties when the US attacked Iraq for incorrectly assaultive its adjacent land Iran (Chaliand 56).

Since that metre, the two countries had been having unceasing aggression. When Chairwoman George Chaparral came to powerfulness, he was on the feeling that the nation was manufacture illegal atomic weapons and over-the-counter weapons of batch demolition. This, he claimed threatened globular protection and the lonesome result to the job was emphatic disarming of the commonwealth.

The UN had for various multiplication transmit its inspectors to the nation to search potential tell that could connection the Arab submit to the claims. All the results had been damaging since the inspectors could not ply any touchable tell based on the claims.

Withal, Scrub differed with their belief and sought-after permit from the UN Protection Council to plunge military attacks against the nation. Joined Nations pleaded with US not to approach the state until real tell was availed. Of the 5 lasting members of UN Protection council lonesome British with the leaders of its premier, Tony Blair supported the thought (Chaliand 56).


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So many nations did not reinforcement Bush’s approximation and this was a major reversal for US. Still, winning reward of US’s transcendence, Bush-league went leading and militarily attacked the state that saw monolithic wipeout of the country’s substructure, saving and political construction.

Another reversal for US came when abaft the unanimous performance, it came out that Iraq neither produced nor amuck any weapons of volume demolition. This worn globose critique from many countries and US was seen as having a unlike motivating for assaultive Iraq.

US-Pakistan Dealings abaft Osama’s Bewitch

Abaft Osama Bin Lade, the suspected brainiac of US September 11 attacks the two countries’ dealings look to contract a unlike guidance. The US federal authorities has threatened to take all its aid to the state, a actuate that is seen to counteract the two countries’ diplomatical relationships.

Still, the Sen Extraneous Dealings commission lead has warned against the actuate locution that the fact that the commonwealth hosted the brat funny does not think that it can be coupled to terrorism (Ryan 2). Contempt the cooperation from Pakistan regime that led to the seizure of Bin Ladened the country’s intuition of hosting herculean Jehad groups has increased according to bulk of US senators.

Though roughly individuals in the US authorities are hopeful the diplomatical dealings betwixt the two countries leave not be unnatural, the trueness is that the US sensing towards the state and its power to engagement terrorism has drastically changed.

US Military treatment in Afghanistan

When US was attacked by Al-Qaeda in 2001, it was angry with the deplorable act and the star shady was Osama Bin Ladened who is Afghanistan’s citizen. Not well-educated where to start, US began an quick onslaught for the Al-Qaeda leader and former leadership of the early unsafe brat radical Taliban in Afghanistan (Chaliand 56).

This led to military onset of the commonwealth with advanced military operations that were seen as a motion to get the leader and his following. The state was ruined staggeringly upright the way Iraq had been invaded. Ultimately, the deputation succeeded in overthrowing the Taliban grouping and paralyzing their operations though it failed to catch the dealer leader of the serious fto, Osama Bin Oppressed.


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Planetary US Counter-terrorism Scheme

It is believed that, Osama’s blackwash volition not alter the US strategies and policies against the terrorism. This is because the kill of the scourge defendant does not intend the war against panic is complete. The US has promised to tone its policies and strategies in fight the terrorism.

Yet, the expiry of this terrorist has had considerable implications for US counter-terrorism insurance (Ryan 2). The US military approach and its nonstarter in Iraq attracted world’s critique from dissimilar spiritual leadership. This is because the attacks were seen as religious-based and ideologic differences sparked the war thence implying the commonwealth had no respectfulness for otc religions.

The office of word appeal and military operations is to word hard mechanisms that leave assistance in combat worldwide terrorism and fetch it into a stoppage. This has been demonstrated in the blackwash of Osama since were it not for cooperation and roast military attacks ‘tween respective military groups and particularly US and Afghanistan, the Al-Qaeda leader would not get been captured. One of the strategies of the US in active terrorism is the perm shutdown of threat suspects’ prison, Guantanamo bay set in America’s naval foot.

The prison is organism criticized for exploitation out-of-date and insufferable twisting methods frankincense violating the rudimentary hum rights (Parson 27). Nevertheless, a disputation has emerged on whether to finis the prison since about insurance makers are claiming that the blockage of the prison volition commit rather of reduction terrorist attacks.


The conflict against terrorism should be approached in an capture attack and the to vouch regard to all mass disregardless of their spiritual backgrounds (Rector 27). Approximately policies and strategies secondhand by the Joined States motive to be changed and turn satisfactory to all nations. Again, terrorism has mostly influenced many nations’ alien dealings and this is the cause for the increasing aggression among dissimilar countries of the humans.

Deeds Cited

Chaliand, Gerard. The chronicle of terrorism: From ancientness to Al Qaeda . Berkeley: University of California Wardrobe, 2007.

Parson, James. Terrorism & world prophylactic policing: Implications of the Obama Presidentship . New York, NY: Taylor & Francis, 2009.

Ryan, Reilly. Kerry cautions colleagues around cutting Pakistan astern Osama Bin Ladened bewitch. TPM media. 3 May 2011. Web.


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