ECOWAS sanctions and threats against Niger, “do not in any way bind the Republic of Guinea”, press release

The Republic of Guinea dissociated itself Monday from the sanctions imposed by ECOWAS against Niger, inviting it to look into the fate of African migrants in Tunisia and in the Mediterranean, instead and instead of the fate of “fallen presidents”.

Burkina Information Agency

Read full press release

“Since July 26, 2023, the people of Guinea, headed by the National Rally Committee for Development (CNRD), have been following with great interest the evolution of the socio-political situation in the sister Republic of Niger, which has led the assumption of responsibility by the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP).

The Guinean authorities pay tribute to the brave people of Niger for their high sense of patriotism and salute the republican spirit and the maturity of the Defense and Security Forces who have favored the higher interests of their nation by choosing to come together to find set of solutions to Niger’s problems.

The CNRD remains convinced that the new authorities will make every effort to guarantee stability and harmony in Niger and in the sub-region.

The sanction measures recommended by ECOWAS, including military intervention, is an option that cannot be a solution to the current problem but would lead to a human disaster whose consequences could go beyond the borders of Niger.

Therefore, the CNRD refrains from applying these illegitimate and inhuman sanctions against the brotherly people and the Niger authorities, and urges ECOWAS to return to better feelings.

The Republic of Guinea reaffirms by this press release its pan-Africanist vision by bringing its solidarity to the population of Niger and by inviting the new authorities of the CNSP to preserve national unity and cohesion.

The CNRD stresses that a military intervention against Niger would lead de facto to the dislocation of ECOWAS. Likewise, the brotherly peoples of Mali, Burkina-Faso, Niger and Guinea aspire to more recognition and respect for their sovereignty.

Furthermore, the CNRD would like to point out that the sanctions imposed and the threats made during the summit of July 30, 2023 do not in any way bind the Republic of Guinea.

At a time when the young populations of the ECOWAS region are experiencing a human tragedy in Tunisia and in the Mediterranean, the concern of the leaders of the sub-region should be rather oriented towards the strategic, socio-economic issues for the achievement of their aspirations. than to consider the fate of deposed Presidents.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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