Eastern Region Governor Visits King Untaanba to Mark End of Monarchical Crisis in Gulmu

GOURMA — Governor Ram Joseph Kafando of the Eastern region led a delegation of high-ranking officials to the royal palace yesterday to formally congratulate His Majesty King Untaanba on his recognition as the sole ruler of Gulmu, signaling the resolution of a longstanding leadership dispute in the kingdom.

According to Burkina Information Agency, this visit follows the Ministry of Territorial Administration’s recent declaration, which officially recognized King Untaanba as the legitimate monarch, an announcement that effectively ends the crisis that has gripped the kingdom since May 2020. The governor, accompanied by notable figures including the Bishop of the Diocese of Fada N’Gourma, Monsignor Pierre Claver Malgo, expressed hopes for a reign that would bring security, serenity, and cohesion to the region.

During the visit, Minister Taadambiga Nassouri, who serves at the royal court, highlighted King Untaanba’s peacemaking qualities, referencing his baptismal name which translates to “unifier” in Gulmancema. Nassouri stated that the king is committed to fostering unity among all regional factions and promoting a dynamic of national territorial reconquest.

Further remarks were made by Richard Thiombiano, a representative of the princely families, who emphasized the importance of unity for community building. Governor Kafando also praised Tiguié Mohamed Thiombiano, a former claimant to the throne, for his magnanimity in accepting the government’s decision and his spirit of forgiveness.

The resolution of the conflict was largely facilitated by the College of Dialogue and Mediation (CDM), which includes representatives from the Catholic Church, evangelical missions, and the Muslim community, ensuring that the transition occurred without violence.

His Majesty King Untaanba, through Minister Nassouri, extended his gratitude to the government, the CDM, and all parties involved in resolving the crisis, marking a new chapter of peace and unity for Gulmu.

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