Djigouèra Village Donates 750,000 CFA Francs to Support Peace Efforts in Kénédougou

ORODARA — In a significant gesture of solidarity and support for national peace efforts, the village of Djigouèra, led by its chief Salia Traoré, has contributed 750,000 CFA francs to the High Commissioner of the Province of Kénédougou, Saidou Sakira. This contribution was made on Monday, February 19, 2024, in Orodara, responding to the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s call for voluntary contributions to address the current security challenges facing the nation.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Salia Traoré, this donation is a response to the national call for support in the fight against terrorism, emphasizing the need for contributions from all citizens to bolster the country’s peace efforts. The financial package was officially handed over to the High Commissioner Saidou Sakira, symbolizing the village of Djigouèra’s commitment to supporting the government’s initiatives in combating security challenges.

The High Commissioner, Saidou Sakira, expressed his appreciation for the village’s contribution, highlighting the importance of community involvement in national security and peace-building efforts. Sakira’s acknowledgment of the donation underscores the government’s reliance on communal support to enhance the overall security landscape of the country.

Furthermore, Sakira encouraged other villages within the province to emulate Djigouèra’s example, signifying the potential impact of collective efforts from various communities in fostering a peaceful and secure environment across Kénédougou and beyond.

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