Djibouti and Cuba strengthen health cooperation

HAVANA— Doctors Jose Angel Portal Miranda and Ahmed Robleh Abdilleh, health ministers of Cuba and Djibouti respectively expressed their willingness to further strengthen cooperation links in the health sector, particularly in the areas of biotechnology, training of specialists and professional collaboration.

During Talks on Wednesday, Robleh Abdilleh stressed the history of Cuba and collaboration links with Djibouti over the years as well as the presence in that country of a Cuban medical brigade. The Cuban doctors are part of the everyday life of the Djibouti people said the minister.

The Health Minister ratified the decision of his country to back Cuba against the US economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba.

Meanwhile, the Cuban government official said that his country will not renounce cooperation with Djibouti because health has no borders as it was proved during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We must jointly protect our peoples,” Portal Miranda noted.


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