Deputy Secretary-General, at Energize Africa Launch, Says Investing in Energy Access, Fuelling Economy Key for Leveraging Continent’s Human Capital


Following is the text of UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s video message to the high-level launch of the African Union Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development’s (NEPAD) “Energize Africa”, today:
Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,
I want to start by congratulating the African Union Disability Architecture-NEPAD for putting forward this programme: Energize Africa.
Energizing the continent is indispensable to leverage Africa’s most valuable resource: its human capital. To fulfil their immense potential, we need to prioritize three measures: getting power to all of Africa, empowering the youth and firing up the economy.
First, we need to power Africa. Investing in energy access across the continent will have a multiplying impact in all areas of development, and lay the foundations for sustained growth and job creation.
Second, we need to empower the African youth by providing access to high quality education, infrastructures and technology. Digitalization must leverage the immense potential of youth — not become the origin of a new divide.
Third, we must fire up the economy by enhancing the entrepreneurial capacities of the youth and modernizing the public sector. Innovation and digital governance are essential to Africa’s global competitiveness. We can turn today’s global challenges into opportunities.
By revamping the continent’s food systems through innovative agricultural solutions, using data and renewable energies to strengthen Africa’s food resilience. By supporting start-ups to get on their feet and serve as long term sources of innovation and growth.
Put simply — by giving young people a chance to design their future. Let us join efforts to energize Africa. Let us build the Africa we want and ensure that no one is left behind.
Thank you.

Source: United Nations


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