Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia Touts Gorgora Eco Resort as a Boon for Tourism

GORGORA, Ethiopia — During the recent inauguration of the Gorgora Eco Resort, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh lauded the site for its significant potential to boost Ethiopia’s tourism industry.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the resort, part of the ‘Dine for the Nation’ initiative spearheaded by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, represents a major step forward in exploiting Ethiopia’s untapped tourism resources. The event highlighted the ongoing government efforts to overcome infrastructure deficits that have historically hindered the sector’s growth.

The Gorgora Eco Resort, described as a timeless national treasure, was opened last Saturday and aims to draw visitors to its stunning natural settings, now made accessible by recent developments. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to enhance Ethiopia’s appeal as a prime tourism destination.

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