Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kostas Fragogiannis visits Moldova for the 4th Meeting of the Joint Interministerial Committee for Economic, Technological, and Scientific Cooperation between Greece and Moldova (Chisinau, 12.05.2023)


Greece and Moldova’s strong willingness to strengthen their economic and trade relations as well as the next steps in this direction were determined by the co-chairs of the Joint Interministerial Committee for Economic, Technological, and Scientific Cooperation between Greece and Moldova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kostas Fragogiannis and Moldova’s Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Digitization Vadim Gumene, during the 4th Meeting of the Committee held in Chisinau on Friday, May 12, 2023.
The Committee  discussed the progress achieved in recent years in the cooperation in the fields of trade, energy, infrastructure and transport, telecommunications and cybersecurity, health, culture and education. Special emphasis was placed on the close collaboration between the Ministries of Agricultural Development of the two countries and its prospects. Furthermore, the framework for further promotion and development of bilateral economic and trade relations was established.
The two co-chairs signed the Protocol of the Committee’s 4th Meeting, while Deputy Minister K. Fragogiannis signed, on behalf of ENTERPRISE GREECE, a Memorandum of Cooperation with Moldova’s counterpart organization INVEST MOLDOVA. In addition, he signed a Joint Action Plan with the Ministry of Tourism of Moldova, representing the Ministry of Tourism.
During the bilateral meeting with Moldova’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicu Popescu, Mr. Fragogiannis conveyed Greece’s support for Moldova’s aspirations to join the EU family, a positive development for the bilateral relations and for economic relations in particular. The Deputy Minister also referred to Greece’s intention to establish diplomatic representation in Moldova soon.
Lastly, Mr. Fragogiannis met with Moldova’s Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov – who had recently visited Greece in early April – and they discussed prospects for undertaking joint ventures in the renewable energy sector.