Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy and Openness, Kostas Fragogiannis’ opening speech at the 1st International Summer School of Kavala (Kavala, 5-11.9.2022)


Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy and Openness, Kostas Fragogiannis spoke about the tools of foreign policy in the development of international reconciliation strategies, with emphasis on the role of economic diplomacy, in his online address to the students of international relations at the 1st International Summer School of Kavala, at the beginning of their curriculum, today, Monday, September 5, 2022.

The 1st Kavala International Summer School is an initiative organized by the American College of Thessaloniki (ACT) and the Jena Centre for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS) of the German Friedrich Schiller University, in cooperation with the Institute for Foreign Affairs (, the MOHA Research Centre ( and Balkan Strategies International Synergies (BSIS).

The aim of the initiative, which is attended by academics, researchers, diplomats, and entrepreneurs is to combine academic theory and the practice of diplomacy so as to analyze policies and behaviours that promote reconciliation, tolerance, social cohesion, and good neighbourliness at local, national, and international level.

Mr. Fragogiannis made a brief and concise mention of leading historical examples of reconciliation and the lessons they taught us, citing the symbolic value of the League of Corinth (337/338 BC), the first coalition of Greek city-states in the military fight against the Persians, the truly great achievement in human history, the Pax Romana, which many attempts have been made to replicate and of course the leading modern example of reconciliation and cooperation after two world wars, that is the European Union of 27 member states.

Mr. Fragogiannis emphasized the importance of knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of diversity – ethnic, religious, and cultural one – in all policy and strategy-making efforts, at national and international level, as well as the importance of being able to use this knowledge synthetically and constructively.

As regards Economic Diplomacy, the Deputy Minister recalled Montesquieu’s reference to the concept of “gentle commerce” (doux commerce), which civilizes people and their relations with one another. He emphasized that modern governments have realized the valuable contribution of economic diplomacy in fostering relations of trust between peoples.

In this regard, Mr. Fragogiannis also mentioned the government’s choice to develop and continue to support the “positive agenda” with Turkey – a series of soft power, economic issues on which agreements and cooperation can be established, even in the tense climate that Turkey has been systematically cultivating lately.

Lastly, Mr. Fragogiannis was very moved and satisfied with the choice of Kavala, his hometown, to host this International Summer School. He cited the city’s rich history and its  progressive, multicultural character, which is founded on understanding, acceptance, and recognition.