Deputy Minister Noxolo Kiviet officiates graduation ceremony of EPWP Artisan Learners, 24 Jun


As part of the June 2022 Youth Month celebration, the Deputy Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Ms. Noxolo Kiviet will officiate the graduation ceremony of young people who have been trained as artisans under the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). The 38 young people who will be graduating have successfully completed a 3-year artisan training programme, majoring in trades such as plumbing, electrical, and bricklaying.

Media is invited to attend and cover the event as follows:

Date: 24 June 2022 (Friday)

Time: 10:00am

Venue: Pretoria Hotel, 230 Hamilton Street, Arcadia (next to McDonald’s Restaurant), in Pretoria (Gauteng)

Brief background on the EPWP Training

The graduating young people were recruited through the EPWP National Youth Service Programme (NYS). The selected participants demonstrated an interest in further learning and they met the minimum requirements for artisan training which is N2 or Grade 12 with Mathematics and Science. The programme was fully funded through the 5% NYS budget allocation from the DPWI Justice College project WCS 047104 and it consisted of the following trades: 22 electrical, 12 bricklaying, and 3 plumbing.

Source: Government of South Africa