Deputy Minister Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu concludes Social Development Month in Mawewe Tribal Council, Mpumalanga, 28 Oct


Deputy Minister concludes Social Development Month In Mawewe Tribal Council, Mpumalanga
Pretoria, 27 October 2022: As part of her Social Development month activities, the Deputy Minister of Social Development Mme Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu will be conducting various community engagements at Mawewe Tribal Council in Mgobodzi village, Nkomazi Local Municipality- Mpumalanga province.
Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu will on Friday 28 October in partnership with MTN SA Foundation handover a multimedia centre to the Mawewe Community Centre. The twenty seater media centre will have free connectivity for 24 months at MTN’s cost.
The handover forms part of a longstanding Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the Department and the MTN SA Foundation. The centre will allow community members to have access to educational content and learning material to upgrade their computer skills.
On Saturday 28 October, Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu will commemorate International Day for Older Persons.
In African culture, the elderly have always been held in high esteem, and accorded special social status. They are a source of wisdom, influencing who we are, and who we aspire to be. According to Statistics South Africa’s Mid-year population estimates of 2021, about 9, 2 % (5, 51 million) of the population is 60 years or older.
The International Day of Older Persons is commemorated on 1 October every year is a key opportunity to celebrate the lives of our senior citizens, while highlighting both the opportunities and the challenges that ageing presents.
This year’s theme, “Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World”, reminds us of the significant contributions that older people still have to make in all our lives. In South Africa, families also rely on older relatives, from caring for grandchildren, to contributing much-needed income to households.
Deputy Minister will host a luncheon for the older persons in Mgobodzi village, in observance of the day.
On Sunday 30 October, Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu will attend a church service at Mgobozi Holiness Church in Mgobodzi village. Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu will use this opportunity to remind and encourage the Faith Bases organisation about the importance of the NPOs being compliant by submitting their documents to the NPO registrar.
This engagement is informed by a webinar the Department held two years ago, to inform NPOs about the looming deregistration for non-compliant NPOs.
October has been declared Social Development Month. Annually during October the Department of Social Development highlight key government programs that are aimed at fighting poverty and building a caring society for all.

Source: Government of South Africa


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