Deputy Minister Buti Manamela launch #Covid-19 ZA Warriors Campaign at Tshwane College in Centurion, 21 May


Deputy Minister Buti Manamela to launch the #Covid-19 ZA Warriors Campaign at the Tshwane South TVET College in Centurion
Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Mr Buti Manamela (MP) in support of a programme of Higher Health and European Union will launch the #Covid-19 ZA Warriors Campaign in Tshwane South College on the 21 May 2021.
HIGHER HEALTH’s second curriculum peer to peer education programme is one of the big strengths within the Department and a model that has been replicated for COVID-19 with the development of screening stations wherein we developed a specific protocol, in 2020, on establishing a student volunteer programme for the management of COVID-19 within the Post School Education and Training sector.
Through this student volunteer protocol HIGHER HEALTH managed to train over 14000 student volunteers between April 2020 and March 2021
As the third wave looms, we need to reinforce messaging and prevention measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 and advocate for vaccination, within campuses and communities, through these student volunteers who will now be known as COVID-19 ZA warriors.
This campaign will be rolled out through a partnership with the European Union. The launch of the COVID-19 Warrior ZA Campaign will also signify the recent funding partnership between HIGHER HEALTH & European Union.

Source: Government of South Africa


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