Deputy Minister Buti Manamela embarks on national public awareness campaign on bogus colleges, 1-3 Feb


Deputy Minister Manamela to embark on the first phase of a country-wide public awareness campaign on bogus colleges

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Mr Buti Manamela, will conduct the first phase of a Public Awareness Campaign on Bogus Colleges on the 1st February 2022 and 3rd February 2022 in Pretoria and Johannesburg, respectively.

The campaign will include the dissemination of information as well as some site visits.

The Department of Higher Education and Training (“the Department”) has the statutory responsibility for regulating activities of private higher education institutions operating in South Africa, in terms of the relevant legislation. Private Colleges and Institutions that are not compliant will be sanctioned accordingly and under the jurisdiction of the relevant law enforcement agents and authorities.

Source: Government of South Africa