Deputy Minister Buti Manamela addresses the PanSALB multilingualism awards ceremony, 15 Jun


Deputy Minister to address the PanSALB multilingualism awards ceremony

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Mr Buti Manamela, will give a keynote address at the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) Multilingualism Awards ceremony at the Galleria conference and events, Sandton in Johannesburg.

The PanSALB Multilingualism Awards were established in 2002 to promote the use of mother tongue and multilingualism, particularly for individuals or organisations, who have excelled in the promotion and preservation of all official languages, which includes Khoi, Nama, San and South African Sign Languages.

Nominees will be awarded in the categories of Education, Language and Literature, Language Activist Award, Media, Youth, Government or Public Sector, Technology and Business, Music, Translation and Interpretation and the Chairperson’s lifetime achievement awards.

Members of the media are especially invited to this event to at least have an opportunity for a one-on-one interview with all the principals, nominees and winners in attendance.

Source: Government of South Africa